Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year=New Blog

New Year=New Blog. This blog will still be around...just updated randomly. My other blog is going to be a blog of health, exercise, and overall wellness!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I failed

So, I failed at blogging. My life got a little more hectic then usual so I failed. However, I now have it scheduled to sad and neurotic is that. Wake up, work out, eat, apply for jobs, work, blog, rinse and repeat. We will see how this goes. Here's hoping.

Monday, June 21, 2010


I am in my first recovery week. I did it! I am excited I have actually done three weeks! I look forward to seeing my body change! My goal is to also stretch EVERY single night....I can't even touch my this is going to be a really big challenge for me. I might have to go get a stretch rope to help me out, but I WILL be able to bend my body in half....(eventually).

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bad Blogger

I am a bad blogger. I said I would be a good blogger but I am a bad blogger:(. I will try to be better.
So recently I have started p90x. I want to get in great shape and figured I had nothing to loose. The program is pretty hardcore. However, I am not as exhausted as I thought I would be. I am in love with Tony Horton. He seriously has me swooning. He is engaging and funny. I do not mind pressing play because he makes the workouts go by fast. Plus, I LOVE the countdown tracker! Anyone who knows me knows that I am seriously obsessed with time. I just like to know how much longer I have.
Still applying to jobs. It is so discouraging. People say the believe in you and say "the right job will come along", but that is easy for them to say...they have a job. I found one I am pretty excited about. We will see how that pans out. It would require me moving to North Carolina, but if it is something I have to is something I have to do. My parents don't want me togo...I don't really want to go either....but no one is helping me in Southern California, so it looks like a move is in my future.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I am exhausted. I have developed insomnia. I am tired all the time but can NEVER fall asleep. I really wish I could. I am walking around like a zombie 24/7. I think I need to get back into hardcore exercise...that was the only time I could remember that I was full of energy! I am just exhausted thinking about starting...:(

Monday, April 5, 2010

Post Bunny Fun

So, I had a very fun and oh so non-traditional Easter. I took a hike with my cousin which was fine despite her getting injured:(. My weekend was fairly chill. Pilates and Tv seemed to be the theme. I have to get back into reading. I love reading, but have found myself to tired to read when I get home...sad. I am super stoked that half of the workout dvd's I purchased are coming today (Tracey Anderson). I hope I actually stick to them. My goal is to do both today when I get home. That will bring my night to about 8 pm. Since I have been going to bed at this time...I am going to have to retrain my brain to staying up later.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Stalking and Skipping

So, day two and I actually am writing. Amazing on so many levels. I went to pilates today which always makes my heart happy and my booty sore. I love pilates. I love my teacher. She is awesome and so inspirational. If you ever want to take a truly amazing class with an amazing woman let me know. Volunteered today. Love that school. The teachers are so dedicated and amazing and the kids are exceptional. I love how sweet and excepting they are. I also went to the gym with my father. I love doing this. Today, I decided to try the Tracey Anderson (modified) workout on the treadmill. I probably looked like a complete idiot skipping and bouncing...but I actually had a lot of fun AND the time FLEW by. I am going to buy her webisodes to kick my booty into shape.
This was my fourth day in a row seeing John C Riley during the day. Now, I know he lives in Pasadena...but I have only ran into him once. Now for the fourth day in a row he is everywhere I turn. If this pattern continues I may have to get a restraining order. At the Harveys now. P and L are outside enjoying the crisp air and Miss C is doing her homework diligently upstairs in order to watch American Idol at 8 (ah to be 14 again). I am off to cook a fabulous well balanced dinner for the bunch followed by my own dinner and possibly watching Red Dragon...just a typical night for me.